
Secure Shell Key Pairs

Secure Shell Protocol(SSH) The industry-standard tool for safely encrypting remote login sessions is the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. Without encryption, all commands and keystrokes you enter du...

Securing Your AWS Resources

AWS Identity and Access Management We’ll start with IAM, whose management dashboard connects you to all the administration tools you’ll need to manage the basics of account security. the Security...

Shared Responsibility Model:AWS

What is AWS Shared Responsibility Model? Amazon distinguishes between the security and reliability of the cloud, which is its responsibility, and the security and reliability of what’s in the clo...

Edge Locations:AWS Global Infrastructure

What is a edge location? The final major piece of the AWS infrastructure puzzle is its network of edge locations. An edge location is a site where AWS deploys physical server infrastructure to pr...

Availability Zones:AWS Global Infrastructure

Availability Zone Designations Understanding how Availability Zones work has immediate and practical importance. Before launching an EC2 instance, for example, you’ll need to specify a network su...

Regions:AWS Global Infrastructure

Regionally Based Services When you request an instance of an AWS service, the underlying hardware of that instance will be carved out of a server running in one—and only one—AWS Region. This is ...

Documentation and Online Support in AWS

Documentation AWS provides a lot of documentation resources. By “a lot” we mean there’s so much of it that you’ll probably never have enough time to read through the whole thing. Instead, you’ll ...

AWS Support Types

The Basic Support Plan On the Basic plan, you’re not paying anything beyond the regular costs of consuming AWS resources. However, for the most part, you’re given access only to publicly availabl...

AWS Cost Explorer

Monitoring AWS Costs In-depth deployment planning and properly configured budgets are important tools, but they’re not enough. Just like smart security professionals will build layers of firewall...

AWS Budgets

Using AWS Budgets An AWS budget is a tool for tracking a specified set of events so that when a preset threshold is approached or passed, an alert—perhaps an email—is triggered. You can create o...